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Mom Happy 50th Birthday Jacob! July 29, 2024
In Loving Memory of my Son Jacob’s Heavenly Birthday! Another year without you on your Birthday, someday I will be with you and we will celebrate together. Always missing you and the Memories I have with you are eternal.

May Heaven be filled with joy as our other Angels (Leidy, Papa, Meleny, Ari, Peri) honor and celebrate you on your special day. Forever loving you and in our hearts ❤️ Rest in eternal peace until we meet again my precious Angel
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Mom Happy Heavenly 50th Birthday July 29, 2024
In Loving Memory of my Son Jacob’s Heavenly Birthday! Another year without you on your Birthday, someday I will be with you and we will celebrate together. Always missing you and the Memories I have with you are eternal.

May Heaven be filled with joy as our other Angels (Leidy, Papa, Meleny, Ari, Peri) honor and celebrate you on your special day. Forever loving you and in our hearts ❤️
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Mom My Precious Child December 30, 2020
Mom Happy 44th Birthday Jacob July 29, 2018
Today is a hard day for me... Words can't express what you meant and still mean to me. I know you are in Heaven smiling down and when we meet again I'll see your face. Although you can't be with me, we're truly not apart. Until the final breath I take, you'll be living in my heart.

Forever Loving you, Mom

dragan's dad Happy Easter March 31, 2018
Mom In Memory of my Son Jacob Cruz on his 21st Heavenl February 18, 2016
In Memory of my Son Jacob Cruz on his 21st Heavenly Angelversary... which is so real, as if it was yesterday. Today, like many other days brings warmest thoughts of you and all the ways you made life brighter for us. Jacob we love and cherish you so much, you will alway be in our memories and hearts, for love wraps itself around our hearts forever!! Forever loving and missing you my dearest Jacob, Love Mom ♥♥♥

dragan's dad in honor and memory on our Angel December 14, 2014


Worldwide Candle Lighting , The Second Sunday of December

The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting unites family and friends around the globe in lighting candles for one hour to honor the memories of the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren who left too soon. As candles are lit at 7:00 p.m. local time, hundreds of thousands of persons commemorate and honor the memory of all children gone too soon.

Ada Cruz Happy 40th Birthday in Heaven Jacob! July 29, 2014
In Loving Memory on Jacob's 40th Heavenly Birthday
This day will be a celebration of the short time you were here. You will always be remembered with great love and many tears. But to only feel pain and sorrow would not be fair to you. Your life meant so much more to us, more than words could say. You were here for 20 years, I wonder if you knew all the ways you've touch our world and our hearts and everyone who knew you, since the day God called you home. There will always be a big void in our life and a hole in our hearts that will never heal. Our souls will grieve forever.  Will we forget or stop loving you "NO"! Not now… not ever.  As this day is upon us, oh, how our hearts still hurt.  But even as I mourn your death, we will always celebrate your birth and life with us.  Happy Birthday in Heaven!  Forever loving you and always in our hearts 

Mom In Honor of Jacob's 40th Birthday July 29, 2014
As Jacob’s birthday is upon us, oh, how our hearts still hurts. But even as we mourn our Son Jacob, we will always celebrate his birth and life with us. Happy Birthday in Heaven to our dear Son Jacob! Words can't express what you meant and still mean to us. I know you are in Heaven smiling down and when we meet again I'll see your face again. Although you can't be with me, we're truly not apart. Until the final breath I take, you'll be living in my heart 

Jacob we love and cherish you so much, the years may pass but still you stay, as near and dear as yesterday. May the skies light up as Angels celebrate your birthday. Forever loving you. ღ ☼ ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) Jacob (¸.•´ (¸.•` Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ   
Forever loving you our dearest Son Jacob ♥ 

Mom Happy 40th Birthday in Heaven! July 28, 2014

Happy 40th Birthday Jacob!

There is a special bond between a Mother and her precious Son. Your life here on earth was cut short, but your memories will live on in our Hearts forever.  

Words can't express what you meant and still mean to me.  I know you are in Heaven smiling down and when we meet again I'll see your face. Although you can't be with me, we're truly not apart. Until the final breath I take, you'll be living in my heart 

Forever loving you my dear son Jacob ♥ ♥ ♥
dragan's dad Remembering you on Saint Patrick's day March 17, 2013
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Merry Christmas. December 11, 2012
dragan's dad All Saint's Day November 1, 2012

In Christian tradition All Saint's  Day is a feast day celebrated on 1st November. All Souls' Day, 2nd November, is a time to pray for departed souls. Especially in this period, we remember our departed, visit the graves , leave flowers, light the candles and pray… For all our angels I will light a candle and say a little prayer.

Debbie/Joseph's DeMatthews Mom Beautiful Angel Jacob & Mom October 13, 2012
"Always In my daily prayers"
dragan's dad HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB July 29, 2012
dragan's dad Easter Blessings April 7, 2012

The gift of Easter is Hope !

Debbie/Joey's Mom Jacob, you are in my thoughts March 16, 2012
Debbie/Joseph DeMatthews Mom Thinking of you March 2, 2012
Debbie/Joseph DeMatthews Mom Jacob & family, you are in my thoughts February 21, 2012
Debbie/Joseph DeMatthews Mom Jacob, sweet angel, you are in my prayers February 13, 2012
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Good morning. January 25, 2012
Susie~Daniel Perez Jr~ Psalm 4: 1 November 7, 2011

"Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer." - Psalm 4:1

Susie~Daniel Perez Jr~ ALL SOULS PRAYER November 3, 2011

Creator of heaven and earth, sure hope of humankind,
have mercy on our deceased sisters and brothers. As we
remember them agian this year, we thank you for the joys
and crosses that we shared on this pilgrimage of life. Help
us to trust in the saving sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ
who rescued us by His Body and Blood that we might
spend an eternity sharing in the beatific vision.
We pray that the souls of the faithful departed,
through Your mercy, rest in peace.
Amen. ♥
Mom Tribute to my darling Son! October 27, 2011
My sweet beautiful son Jacob, if you only knew how much I loved you from the day you were born and even after your death.  I remember when you were growing up, so clearly as I was growing up with you too. You always like to play jokes and always had a bright big smile. Not a day goes by without me thinking of you or saying your name in prayer or in my thoughts.  

If only I knew what was going to be back on Feb 18, 1995, I would have held you dearly and never let you go.  You left a void in my heart that will never go away, until the day we see each other again.  

As I write this tribute to you, tears of happy memories and much love is in my heart, mind and soul.  I know you are with us in spirit every minute of the day and pray every night to one day be able to see you in spirit.  Rest in peace my love and know you were dearly love by me, your father, Leidy, Nina and now even your niece Jaylene, as well as family and friends.  

Always in my heart… Love, mom

Barbara Cave Thinking of you,with all my Heart October 17, 2011
When you are lonely,
I wish you love.

When you are down,
I wish you joy.

When you are troubled,
I wish you peace.

When things are complicated,
I wish you simple beauty.

When things are chaotic,
I wish you silence.

When things are empty
I wish you hope.

Thinking of you always.
Susie~Daniel Perez Jr~ COMFORT July 25, 2011

Today’s Scripture: “Be of good comfort…and the God of love and peace shall be with you
.” II Corinthians 13:11

LostMom to Patrick Barbosa IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY ANGEL PATRICK June 6, 2011



Life stands still and aches with memories.

Memories that aches so deeply of a precious life cut too short.

My son Patrick who left me behind to grieve

a loss that has no words, no definition,

no explanation, no concept.

I am left only with sorrowful feelings that linger deep

within my wounded soul reminding me to hold on to those

bittersweet memories.

These memories which came from a life that I love

so dearly and treasure.

God, help me to keep those powerful memories

because today I cherish them more than my own existence,

for it is my memories of my son Patrick, who is my life and

my light until the end.


Dedicated to my son Patrick Christian Barbosa

Barbara Cave My Angel,My Friend March 7, 2011

When I have no one to turn to
And I am feeling kind of low,
When there is no one to talk to
And nowhere I want to go,
I search deep within myself
It is the love inside my heart
That lets me know my Angels are there
Even though we are miles apart.

A smile then appears upon my face
And the sun begins to shine.
I hear a voice, so soft and sweet
Saying, 'Everything will be just fine'
It may seem that I am alone
But I am never by myself at all.
Whenever I need my Angels near
All I have to do is call.

An Angel's love is always true
On that you can depend.
They will always stand behind you
And will always be your friend.
Through darkest hours and brightest days
Our Angel's see us through
They smile when we are happy, and will cry when we are blue..

Thanks for being my Angel my friend
I will be there for you until the end.

Barbara Pisano Thank you so very much February 25, 2011
From where we reign,we thank you so
For your kind remembrance of us and our families below
We had a beautiful day,cause all were there
Yes you too,were with us, in mind,heart and prayer
As we are not forgotten,neither are you
We busy ourselves with much to do
New souls arrive on a daily basis
And we gather with them,cause their families they miss
We show them how love continues to grow
By connecting our loved ones to soften the blow
You see, their hearts are broken,they are in so much pain
And we rejoice when our efforts are not in vain
Continue to hold each other up,it's when we're happiest here
We relish the laughter ,never the tears

Thank you for everything,there was much joy in Heaven Love and God Bless
 Nicky and Angie and their families

Barbara Cave Your Memory will Burn Forever in Our Heart February 24, 2011
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~ In Loving Memory of ~Jacob Cruz~ February 17, 2011

RIP Jacob.  Forever loved and missed.  God Bless and sending gentle hugs to your family.  Angel dates are so hard.  (((((Hugs)))))
mom~Shane Ramirez Forever watching over you oxoxoxooxox January 25, 2011
Prayer from the Heart
mom 2 Waylon kitchens xoxoxooxoxox January 10, 2011

To a special Angel in Heaven...

always in my Heart!

Lisa Holly's Mom Merry Christmas December 21, 2010

mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Big Hugs from Heaven December 19, 2010

Christmas In Heaven

I see the countless Christmas trees, around the world below, With tiny lights, like heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow.

This sight is so spectacular, please wipe away that tear, For I am spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs, that people hold so dear, But the sound of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here. For I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring, For it's beyond description to hear an angel sing.

I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart, But I am not so far away, we are really not apart.

So be happy for me, dear ones, you know I hold you dear, And be glad I'm spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.

I send you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above, I send you each a memory, of my undying love.

For after all "Love" is the gift, more precious than pure gold, It was always most important, in the stories Jesus told.

So please love and help each other, as my Father said to do, For I cannot count the blessings, or the love He has for you.

So have a Merry Christmas, and wipe away that tear, For I am spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.

I can't tell you of the splendor, or the peace here in this place, Can you imagine Christmas, with our Savior, face to face?

I'll ask Him to lift your spirit, as I tell Him of your love, So then pray for one another, as you lift your eyes above.

So please let your hearts be joyful, and let your spirits sing, For I am spending Christmas in heaven, and I'm walking with the King!

Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Merry Christmas to you Jacob. December 16, 2010
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS WILL GUIDE YOUR PATH December 13, 2010






This is my poem that was published on the newsletter at the Annual Candle Lighting from The Compassionate Friends in my town.

Yesterday was a sad moment seeing my precious son Patrick's name and pictures on display among the children who were gone way too soon from us... Yesterday was also my Christmas moment in memory of my beautiful son Patrick Christian who has forever changed my life the day he left me empty, confused, and so alone to grieve!



               Lighting a candle for my son Patrick

Before I lost my son Patrick

Lighting a candle was just a tradition

To get my prayers answered more quickly,

But today after I lost my son Patrick

Lighting a candle is a painful reminder

Of my greatest loss of a beautiful life cut

So short... My son Patrick.

Lighting a candle is now an unthinkable,

Unbearable reminder of so many hopes

And dreams taken away from me.

But in the depth of my sorrowful journey,

Lighting a candle is also precious

Memories of Patrick that are taken into my

Broken heart and shattered soul as a

Keepsake to keep his memories alive

Beyond my life on earth.

Lighting a candle for my son is my faith

In God to embrace Patrick's new life

As glorious and peaceful as His kingdom.

Lighting a candle for my son Patrick is a

Symbol of my eternal love for him

That I am his mom and he is my son for

Eternity, for love never dies but grows


Lighting a candle will always surround

The beautiful soul of Patrick wherever I am

To guide him into eternal life.

Lighting a candle says it all Son:

I love you

I miss you

I need you

I am here for you always

You see, God, lighting a candle is a

Must... A link from me a lost mother to my

Beautiful son Patrick.

O Lord, Let it Shine High and Bright!!!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Dedicated to my son Patrick Christian

LostMom to Patrick Barbosa


mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Happy Holidays December 6, 2010


Memory builds a little pathway
That goes winding through my heart.
It's a lovely, quiet, gentle trail
From other things apart;
For this road I call remembrance
Is hidden from the rest;
But I hope I'll always find you
In my memory rendezvous
For I keep this little secret place
To meet with angels like you.

mom~Shane Ramirez Sending you my Love November 29, 2010

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♥ ♥ ♥

Heaven is the home where spirits dwell
Who wandered here a while
And seeing things invisible,
Departed with a smile.

LostMom to Patrick Barbosa THINKING OF YOU ON THANKSGIVING DAY November 25, 2010



Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Happy Thanksgiving November 24, 2010
Susie~Daniel Perez Jr Thanksgiving Day Blessings November 23, 2010







Miranda Otto's Auntie Sarah * November 23, 2010

Right now all I can taste are bitter tears
And right now all I can see are clouds of sorrow
But from the other side of all this pain
Is that you I hear, laughing loud and calling out to me?

Saying "See, it's everything you said that it would be,
And even better than you would believe.
And I'm counting down the days until you're here with me,
And finally, you'll see."

But right now, all I can say is "Lord, how long
Before you come and take away this aching?"
This night of weeping seems to have no end.
But when the morning light breaks through,
We'll open up our eyes and we will see

It's everything that He said that it would be
And even better than we would believe

And he's counting down the days 'til He says "Come with me."
And finally he'll wipe every tear from our eyes
And make everything new, just like he promised
Wait and see, just wait and see, wait and see

~Steven Curtis Chapman

Lisa Holly's Mom Thinking of you and family November 15, 2010

Susie~Daniel Perez Jr Nicest Place 2 Be November 9, 2010

The nicest place 2 be is in

someone's THOUGHTS!

The nicest place 2 be is in

someone's PRAYERS!

The nicest place 2 be is in



Hold a Good Friend and Don't Let Go...



mom~Shane Ramirez Im always thinking of you November 7, 2010

For Times When I Can't Be There
To Give You A Hug

Or To Let You Know I Care
When You're Feeling A Little Bummed
I've Requested That The Hugging Angel
Find It's Way To You

To Do A Special Deed For Me
That I'm Too Far Away To Do

So If You Feel The Flutter
Of An Angel's Wing
Brush You On The Shoulder

Don't Be Alarmed
Just Remember
It's A Special Hug From Me

Mom Happy Halloween My Sweet Jacob October 31, 2010

Etched in our hearts remains the memories of Jacob's beautiful smile,
zest for life and uncondition love he had for his family.
Happy Halloween my precious Jacob.
You are forever in my heart. Forever loving you, Mom










mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Happy halloween October 24, 2010

Mom Happy Halloween My Sweet Jacob October 24, 2010

Thinking of you and loving you forever!


Forever in our hearts, prayers and thoughts... you will never be forgotten...

Love You Always, Mom

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