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In Loving Memory



 This page is dedicated to the many friends and loved ones that I know are with my son Jacob in Heaven. 





A Tribute and Memory of our Angels
Forever Loved and Missed...
It broke our hearts to lose them, but they didn't go alone
A part of us went with them, the day GOD called them home.
Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us each and every day.
Unseen, unheard, but always near
So loved, so missed, so very clear
Death leaves a heartache, no one can heal
Love leaves a memory, no one can steal

~Christopher Michael Barrios Jr (modifed)~  





 In Rememberance of my Son

Jacob Cruz











In Rememberance of my Niece

Meleny Palacios 








In Rememberance of my Niece

Ariadna Palacios





In Rememberance of my Nephew

Jason Maldonado









In Rememberance of my Sister

Carmen Abraham











In Rememberance of Jose's Father

Marín Vazquez Cruz





Marín became an Angel 2 months before Jacob was born. 

I pray that Marin met his grandson Jacob in heaven. Forever in our hearts! 







In Rememberance of Jose's Mother

Melania Martinez Ginette














In Rememberance of my Grandparents

Theresa & Francisco Lourido











In Rememberance of my Abuelita & Toñi

Estebania & Toñi
















In Rememberance of my Sister-in-Law

Margie Pabon







   Sunset ~ July 20, 1987

R.I.P Margie





In Rememberance of Dear Friends

Elsie & Chelsea


Elsie & Chelsea became Angels on the TWA Flight 800 plane crash in 1996.












In Rememberance of Cousin

Julio Pabon






In Rememberance of my Aunt

Eulalia DeJesus








In Rememberance of Family Friend

Elba Nuñez









In Rememberance of Family Friend

Yaya Diaz











In Rememberance of Family Friend

Alfred Rodriguez











In Rememberance of "Chincha"

German M. Roman









I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death.
They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make.
Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. 
We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been
enriched by having shared their love.  

~Leo Buscaglia 









Please don't forget to light a Candle in Jacob's memory to keep his Eternal Light shinning...




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Other Pages:  Jacob Cruz  >>  Jacob Growing-up Gallery  >>  Meleny Palacios  >>  In Loving Memory  >>  Poems



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Other Angels that have touched my heart...

Kristina Calco --> http://www.theshabbycastle.com/kristinacalco


Ada Cruz February 12, 2017
In Memory of my Niece Ariadna
In Loving Memory of our beautiful beloved mother, daughter, sister, niece, aunt, cousin and friend Ariadna Palacios, our new Heavenly Angel 
Ada Cruz February 12, 2017
In Loving Memory to my niece Ariadna P
In Loving Memory of our beautiful beloved mother, daughter, sister, niece, aunt, cousin and friend Ariadna Palacios, our new Heavenly Angel 

CYRIL May 7, 2011

gravé dans mon coeur...

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